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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "10 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "9 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "6 year old account"
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À propos de

Welcome to my world, In case you missed it... I'm wild & crazy, it's kinda twisted. I'm HELL on high HEELS & a hot mess misfit. I'm the woman Anti-Christ!! My name is Brittney Lashae. I love piercings, tattoos, styled (big) hair & dramatic make-up. I am the prettiest disaster you will ever meet. I love creativity so I'm always changing up my cut my own hair & make a lot of my own clothes. Don't label me I am my own person. Here is the tragic fairytale that never seems to thrive, this is the unfortunate mess that never stood a chance. Someone silence me and stitch me up, my wrists of wasted time, put a bullet in my mind. WELCOME TO MY HORROR SHOW I'm the greatest escape that you ever did make with your arms by your side left it up to fate. I am fun, loving, outgoing & spontanious. , sing, write & manage a clothing store. My life is an organized mess, quite honestly I dont care about anything anymore but at the same time I care about everything too much. Music runs threw my veins and creates a pulse. I write pretty words when im hurt or confused. I don't start drama, infact I can't stand drama or having anything to do with it. I can't stand the town I live in it's full of dirty whores and drama queens, I am not either of the two thank's dont accuse me of your bullshit. One day I won't have to come back here again. I WANT TO MEET SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY GIVES A DAMN I hate insincerity more than anything. If you don't mean something, don't fucking say it. I hate humanity, so rot with repulsion. I've been called every name, except boring. I've learned of something will destroy you. I am scared, but something tells me I shouldn't be. Labels are trivial like the people YOU call your friends. I could win an oscar for being blunt. I feel 24 hours isn't enough. I don't care what you're living for, just make sure you're doing it. If you're not, quit breathing my air. Life has the same ending for every single one of us. Every single life, every story it tells, ends the same. The difference between all of us is how we decide to write that story, which kind of ink we decide to fill our pages with, which words we choose, which characters we include. The one choice we don't often recieve is how many pages each of us get to write our stories on, and some of us run out of pages before we've finished certain chapters, or before we've had a chance to go back and re-write previous ones. Don't wait until your pen is running dry to write the best parts, life is over before you know it.

Dernière connexion:
il y a 11 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Ville de naissance:
Los Angeles
Huntington Beach
"United States"
Intérêts et passe-temps:
I love making clothes, doing makeup, writing. I also do part time modelling*
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
Don't have time for it.
Musique favorite:
SO many! But I'll stick with the favorites: Manson, Placebo, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Deftones. Ect. Ect.
Livres favoris:
Anything by Edgar Allen Poe. I love anything, and everything creepy ;) x
Ce que j'aime:
I like everything passionate. When I don't care about the person I'm having sex with, for me it's just masturbating. But more difficult. I love skin touching, kissing, Oh! & I think it's extremely hot when a guy can moan. Getting eaten out is my favorite thing. I go down like the titanic. & if you don't, I don't like you.
Ce que je déteste:
Man whore's - that's all I'm going to say. I hate it when men are just too hairy. I like a happy trail, not a happy field. & if you're not in shape, It's going to be a long road of.. Ew. Being healthy is very important! And if you don't like my tattoos.. Just get outta here already!
Affichages de profil:
1 324
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