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Kirkland, IL, United States
  • 8 abonnés
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À propos de

Hi my name is Rick and I was new to all of this back when I set up my 1st profile back in 2013 ( I think)… I'm just an average huy who, once every now and then likes to look at beautiful men doing some very fun things,,,Tomorrow, Monday December 3rd, 2018 I will start my Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments...and I won't lie, I am very scared...scared of the Treatments but more scared of the side effects...to be continued...

Dernière connexion:
il y a 5 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Ville de naissance:
Itasca, IL
Kirkland, IL
"United States"
GP Industries
Graduated 1988 from IL Benedictine College
Intérêts et passe-temps:
In the summer I love to lay in the sun, the warmth of the sun on my body and the peace and quiet i so "relaxing." I usd to cook and bake lot but it's been once in a great while that I wll cook. ith the 3 summer Holidays coming, I think I would like to invite a few friends over and making my homemade potato salad for all 3 Holidays, especially the 4th of July Holiday. This town we have been living in supposedly has a great fireworks display and I was told I could see them from my back yard but last year I just watched the firework displays on TV from New York, Washinton DC and in Chicago. I also like to plant my vegetable garden and flowers all around this house
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
To Be Continued...
Musique favorite:
I like different kinds of music, Janet Jackson is my all time favorite Pop and R&B Singer, I also love Country music and I seen The QUEEN of Country, Loretta Lynn in Concert back in March 2015... and I had seen Janet in November 2015 also, and seeing that I am half Irish and 1/2 Mexican, I have been trying to embrace my Latino roots by watching YouTube videos of, May She Rest In Peace The Queen of Salsa, Miss Celia Cruz...the only music I just can't seem to like that much is Opera and certain Rap artists and their songs...
Livres favoris:
I used to love to read book by Stephen King and Dean Koontz but after I started treatment, I found out within a week that anything I had read that could not remember what I had read the next day, so now I just read certain things on the Internet that catch my eye as I'm flipping through the World Wide Web...
Ce que j'aime:
...a well groomed man who isn't just "street smarts"... a man who is not physically to me, and by that I mean a man that would not punch me or slap me upside the head...a man that just does not think with his dick and a man that would like to just cuddle and watch a movie instead of going out to dinner and then a Gay Bar...A man who is not afraid to be himself and does not feel that he needs to lie about himself, a man who is basically OUT of the closet to everyone, family, friends, co-workers and his Boss IF and only IF he is in a position that his boss would need to know...
Ce que je déteste:
I've done the "party scene", going out at most 6 nights every week, drinking and doing cocaine almost every night for over and I voluntarily put myself in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center for 2 weeks, and no more Cocaine but I will have a drink once in a great while/ When I found out I had Cancer, Chemo and Radiation almost me, so then my turn off would people who purposely their body for about 6 hours a night drinking way too much and doing ANY kind of street drug like that Crystal Meth...!!! I can't understand WHY people voluntarily do this drug and knowing that it is made out of Anti Freeze, Battery Acid, Drain Cleaner, and more...also people who for some reason can't learn when to shut up. There's more but for now, to be continued...
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