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Shay Okami
Shay Okami

Shay Okami

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À propos de Shay Okami
I've technically been into sex and porn all my life. I grew up in a christian, conservative baptist family and was taught to be ashamed of my sexuality very early on, while at the same time being expected to get married, raise a family, all that normie stuff. I didn't know I was bi, or fem, or incredibly kinky for the longest time, but parts of us have a funny way of saying they won't be silenced anymore. Now, I'm fighting to live my best life as a porn model, author, artist and psychologist. I'm now back living with my family, so making porn has become a much more tedious process for me. I love doing porn while writing stories, drawing lewd art, and making music (music to fuck to). I hope you like what I make! I used to be on Amazon KDP, my stories were selling a lot of copies and I was on the verge of making a steady living, but Amazon terminated my account because they hate when bisexual femboys become successful. I post my audiobooks here, when I'm able to work on them.
Situation amoureuse: Célibataire
Intéressé par: Gars et Filles
Sexe: Homme
Lieu de Naissance: United States of America
Dotation: 5-7"
Hauteur: 5' 7" (170cm)
Ethnicité: Other
Prépuce: Cut
Poils du Visage: No
Tatouages: No
Piercings: No
Intérêts et Loisirs: Porn, hentai, fucking myself, BDSM (solo and partnered), thinking of fun new ways to fuck myself and masturbate, getting fucked, fucking plushies and soft things, self-sucking, shopping for new toys and clothes, playing cover songs on guitar, camping, fishing, traveling
Ce que j'aime: Big dicks, smol/cute dicks, tight holes, cute bois/cute gurls, trans women and men, non-binary, big men/women, stuffed toys/plushies/pillows/furniture and anything soft/fluffy (both to fuck and cuddle), getting gangbanged, getting bukkaked, getting tag teamed, getting spit roasted, bondage/leather/rope, being dominated and made into a sex slave/human toy/pet, mild to intense spanking, pinching, biting, whipping, shocking, etc., urethra play, cute clothes, sex toys
Ce que je déteste: Really gross stuff, extreme hurt (either to other people or to me), bigotry, greed
Visionnements de la vidéo: 139 176
Affichages de profil: 48 300
Vidéos vues: 309
Présentation 1-24 de 35


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Bad Photo Arranging

Hey Everyone, I just need to make another announcement, if the photos in my photo sets seem out of order, this isn't entirely my fault. I've tried arranging the photos in my Bridget Shay compile twice now (and there's obviously a lot of them), but every time I try to save the album, the site does something weird and doesn't save it or automatically signs me out and never saves my progress, so I have to start all over again. This doesn't happen with my smaller compiles, but definitely with the big ones, so I'm gonna have to leave the large photo sets as is, cause it took me at least half an hour to get them mostly arranged in order before losing all of that. Again, if you guys are concerned about the photo order in the larger sets, I am too. I think the upside is you can download them if you want. I really hate how this site functions, its has so many bugs. I'm already getting lag just writing this message.
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Haven't Posted in a Bit

I have a new video that's being reviewed right now before it's posted. I just want to announce that these videos I've posted recently were actually made in previous months, between January and May. I haven't been able to do much given my current position and condition, but with any luck, I'll be able to get started getting back into shape and training regularly before the year is over and posting new videos and photos (if not, then potentially by next year). Really wanna get extra kinky with some of my newer stuff, but it all depends on what space and privacy I'll have available to me in the future. So yeah, new (but also old) video coming up that I haven't posted until now. And as always, if you like my content, please consider supporting my Patreon, the lowest tier is all access to all my content for only one dollar a month (sadly I can't directly post the porn I make on Patreon, but I can post links to the stuff I'm working on and photos). I know it's No Fap November, if you guys are challenging yourself, All The Best! Please enjoy edging to my content! But for everyone else, Happy Fapping!
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