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Say what you will about Craigslist but I've found plenty of quality sexual partners from there. In about 4. I've met and had sex with 9 women through CL. Thats not too bad. The reason I bring this up is because I posted two ads in the past 10 days. I had 3 women contact me because of those ads. One is in her mid 20's and loves oral and anal (think I'm excited?). The second woman is 23 and seems sexually free and open minded (she mentioned that she wants to fellate me with the help of her cute friend, bonus points there!). The last woman is a bit younger than me...ok ok I'm 30 and she's 18. Hey sue me. She didn't have to respond to my ad. Needless to say I'm looking forward to the next two weeks or so. Because of Craigslist I have 5 women who I can contact on most any night. Isn't the internet a wonderful thing?
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The rarity of receiving oral sex as a single man

I realize this post will come off as whining. I also realize there is a chance no one will even read this haha. I'm a single man. I've been single since Sept. 2008. I don't regret my choice to be single. It's opened up a lot of options for me socially. The one problem I have is the lack of oral sex. I love oral, both giving and receiving. When I get horny, more often than not I find I'm horny for a nice, long blow job. This is where the dilemma reveals itself. Short of going to hooker, it's nearly impossible to be able to just get blown. In my opinion a lot of women are selfish. And a bit prudish now that I think about it. I'd start a 100% oral only friends with benefits situation in a heartbeat. But for some reason women refuse this type of deal.

Every women I've ever hooked up with, I've gone down on. No exceptions unless they asked that I don't. I had one woman do that and it was strange for me. My point is I'm more than willing to eat pussy but women hand out blowjobs like they're giving away precious gems. AND what's worse is that when you first start dating someone the oral sex frequency is a lot higher but once you've been together for a bit BAM the blowjobs disappear. What the fuck is that? I'd rather get blown than have sex any day. Something to think about ladies.
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hey all

I realize I have been on this site for a year now but I've decided to start a blog. Mainly it will be about past sexual encounters (more so I can find humor or insight in regards to them) or future encounters. I'll probably end up talking about all sorts of things. Let me know if you want me to discuss anything in particular. Hope lots of you follow.
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À propos de

Open minded guy who is looking to meet up with like minded people. If you're local to me and want to swap some oral for starters then send me a message.

Dernière connexion:
il y a 5 ans
Situation amoureuse:
Gars et Filles
Wilmington, MA
"United States"
Intérêts et passe-temps:
I love music, working out, writing and reading. Oh yeah and having sex.
Films et émissions télévisées favoris:
Too many favorite movies to pick just one. For tv shows I like Its always sunny in Philadelphia, seinfeld, game of thrones etc
Musique favorite:
Classic rock like Led Zeppelin, Thin Lizzy. Bob Marley, really anything ranging from Simon and Garfunkel to Slipknot.
Livres favoris:
My personal favorite is Catcher in the Rye but I enjoy a whole spectrum of books.
Ce que j'aime:
Tattoos, piercings, shaven, sexually confident and direct people, big tits, big asses, big cocks
Ce que je déteste:
girls who have no idea what they want or how to do anything in the bedroom.
Affichages de profil:
Vidéos vues:
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